Word of Caution

Things posted here can (and will) induce violent reactions. Just be reminded that these things are my opinions and not in any way (or necessarily be) the general truth. Comment on the post if you have any reactions. I do not moderate the comments because you are entitled to your own opinions with your right to freedom of speech.

Furthermore, some topics may not be appropriate for you, depending upon your beliefs(primarily), strength of faith in your religion and your character integrity.

I usually disobey normal writing ethics by writing with a complete bias on one side because absolute objectivity, I believe, can never be attained.

You have been warned.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Inspiring words from a girl.

While I was browsing the internet for information about our topic in Comm3 (tomorrow's our midterms), I stumbled upon a blog of a former UP Diliman student (as I gathered). Here, I read about the speech of the Batch 2007 Summa Cum Laude's Graduation Speech. Here's the post.


As I read through the speech, I have to agree that I felt the same way as the blog owner and his friend did. The speech reflected my thoughts about how I would spend my life after I graduate [5 years from now]. During my stay as an exchange student, I made a conviction that I would spend my entire career rendering service to the Philippines directly. Despite having the advantage of speaking a 3rd language, I still would stay in the Philippines. I would like to provide jobs for those who have none. I would like to teach people how to make bread instead of giving them bread. Even as a freshman, I still hold these convictions and she just fortified them.

I am proud of being a student of the University of the Philippines and of being a member of the Diliman community. Most of all, I am proud of being a Filipino.

Seeing as she is just of my age, with those words, she gained my respect, as with all the other people who were at the amphitheater. I would give her a standing ovation myself.

I look forward to my physics class next year. If I could, I'd get her as a prof if she's teaching the Physics I'm supposed to get.

Sometimes, the so-called adults of the community needs to learn from the young.


E. J. Fleisje said...


chardane said...

are you talking abour mam Fudolig? yeah, she's a great prof, can't believe she's just my age..

or is she younger? waaaah :P