Word of Caution

Things posted here can (and will) induce violent reactions. Just be reminded that these things are my opinions and not in any way (or necessarily be) the general truth. Comment on the post if you have any reactions. I do not moderate the comments because you are entitled to your own opinions with your right to freedom of speech.

Furthermore, some topics may not be appropriate for you, depending upon your beliefs(primarily), strength of faith in your religion and your character integrity.

I usually disobey normal writing ethics by writing with a complete bias on one side because absolute objectivity, I believe, can never be attained.

You have been warned.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Land of Smiles [not!]

Whenever I walk around in school, I look at peoples' faces. The majority looks the same. Looking down with a frown on their faces, walking slowly and absent-mindedly. It really is hard to imagine that we, Filipinos, are considered as a race with the happiest face. With the appearance of frown wrinkles on an increasing number of people, soon enough, we'd lose that position.

With the toils of everyday living, it's not hard to think of what people are thinking about. *I wonder what s/he's doing..* Probably, with the combination of the heat, political turmoil, ironical increase of cost of living, stacking problems - generally about life here in the Philippine Islands - life really makes people frown. *Don't s/he love me anymore?* To be honest, it's hard to generalize. *Why won't s/he pay me attention?* Because not everyone of us think alike. *I'm hungry.* Some think of trivial things. *Why is s/he looking at me like that?* Some think of intricate things. *What's life for?* But nonetheless, our tendency is to think of problems. *How much do I owe him/her again?* If not of problems, then of questions.

But why can't we condition our mind to think of good things? Is it because it makes us feel guilty of leaving our problems behind? Is it because these things just give us false hope?

Or is it because you just don't want to?

Think about it.


Anonymous said...

There are times when I want to but can't. :(

E. J. Fleisje said...

There are times when I want to... But I never get around to it. I let my rationality scare me out of things.

The world has never been a better place for the human race (ooh rhyming), but people tend to take things for granted (as you doubtlessly noticed at Nesbru last year.) To put it simply, air isn't much to bother yourself over, unless you aren't getting any.

chardane said...

"To put it simply, air isn't much to bother yourself over, unless you aren't getting any." ooh, that's nice :P

i dont know about other people, but its not something you condition your mind for. you can be optimistic about stuff, but a person really has to think about the problems in order to solve them :P (or ge a chance to solve them)

i'm just saying, haha, as these are the things that are floating around in my mind as well XD